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Det ultimative eventyrsæt

Introducing the ultimate set for your next adventure! This collection includes The Duffel Bag Suitcase, The Backpack, The Hanging Toiletry Bag, and The Waterproof Packing Cubes, all crafted from 100% waterproof nylon. This versatile set keeps your belongings safe and dry, regardless of the weather. Plus, you can personalize each item with your initials. Initials will be added on all items in the set. 

The set consist of: 

The Duffel Bag Suitcase in waterproof nylon
The Backpack in waterproof nylon 
The Wash Bag in waterproof nylon
The Packing Cubes in waterproof nylon 

*The products are crafted from high-quality waterproof material, providing excellent protection in rain. However, please note that the stitching is not waterproof, so the product is not 100% waterproof. This means it may not fully withstand being dropped in water. 

• Color: Black
• Brown/nude striped lining
• The initials are embroidered with light golden, black or orange thread
• If you choose to have your personal initials on a product, the delivery time is still only 2-4 business

Almindelig pris
3.020 kr
Almindelig pris
4.027 kr
3.020 kr
    Bestil nu:Leveres inden for 2 til 4 dage inklusive initialer

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    Fragt og levering

    Din ordre afsendes normalt inden for 2-4 arbejdsdage. Skulle det ske, at din ordre bliver forsinket, får du besked via e-mail. Alle ordrer pakkes forsvarligt og sendes med GLS.
    Vi bestræber os på at reducere vores CO2-fodaftryk og miljøpåvirkning ved at bruge genanvendelige, miljøvenlige emballagematerialer, der er sikre og bæredygtige for både mennesker og miljø.



    +45 93 99 34 33 (mandag - fredag)


    [email protected]

    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt
    Det ultimative eventyrsæt

    The products are crafted from high-quality waterproof material, providing excellent protection in wet enviroment.

    About Us

    Founded in 2018 by Anne-Sophie Brandt, Nomad’s ambition is to create aesthetically high-quality travel products that transcend the ordinary. At Nomad, it’s not just about packing your belongings; it’s about embracing the joy of travel, before, during, and after your journey. To add an extra personal touch to your travel, we offer the option to add your initials - a unique monogram - to all our products, making them truly one-of-a-kind and yours alone.

    We call this tailored travel.

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    Ja, det er muligt. Du skal bare skrive til [email protected]